Lectures Fall 2019: Room: B-337, Elektro Bld. B
Instructor: Adjunct Associate Professor Rune Storvold
Description: The course is an introduction to unmanned aerial systems. This includes regulation and requirements, best practices and safe operation, safety analyses, UAV design, remote sensing, optical and radar sensors, vehicle communication and data links, detect and avoid systems, marine and Arctic applications. The course is divided into the following modules:
A field trip excursion to demonstrate Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operations and photogrammetry is planned on October 9th, some weather restricions may apply.
Mandatory Text:
Lecture notes
Assignments: Mandatory assignments and project report.
**Exam Dates and Rooms (Electro Building): Nov. 28th, Room D446, 4th Floor Electro
Each Oral exam will last for 20 minutes. The schedule is tight so it is very important that the candidates are on time.