Project thesis topics 2013

The text below is a brief description of the project topics supervised by professor Lars Imsland. Contact for further information. Most topics can be continued in a master thesis project if the candidate and supervisor(s) so wishes.

  1. MPC of distributed energy storage for a smarter grid
    Project topic given in cooperation with Ole Jakob Sørdalen at Eltek AS. See attached document for closer description: 130404_projectproposal_eltek_mpc.pdf.
  2. DP guidance in a drifting ice field
    Given a well-functioning Ice Monitoring system that provides detailed ice data (ice thickness, concentration, ice age,…) in the local area around the DP vessel, the problem is to develop a DP guidance system that moves the DP setpoint, within the tracking capability of the vessel and allowed positioning limits, to find the optimal route through the ice and minimize the ice forces that will affect the vessel. Cooperation with Ph.d. student Øivind Kjerstad and Professor Roger Skjetne at IMT.
  3. Ice image processing for continuous monitoring of Arctic sea-ice
    To interpret important ice parameters from visual images, such as ice concentration, floe size distribution, etc., is of high interest for the offshore industry to conduct safe operations in Arctic offshore fields. Based on some recent PhD studies on image processing algorithms and methods for ice images, we want to look into and develop these further. Mainly, this shall provide better decision support systems for the ice master and his crew. Later, such measurements may be used directly in automatic feedback loops for Arctic DP operations. If successful in this project, we would aim for an implementation on an ice camera system that we can take onboard a ship for Arctic research missions together with industry. This task requires interest and/or some background in image processing. Cooperation with Professor Roger Skjetne at IMT.
  4. System biology
    System biology may be described as the use of dynamical system theory (cybernetics) applied to molecular biology (the basic bricks of life). 1-2 projects will be given in cooperation with Professor Nadav Bar in the Systems Biology group at the Department of Chemical Engineering. See attached document for description of possible tasks: projsysbio2013.pdf.
  5. MPC for dual gradient drilling well control using a subsea mud pump and a topside choke
    Process modelling (based on existing models), simulation and control using Statoil's MPC tool SEPTIC. Test in a deep-water case. Co-supervisors: John-Morten Godhavn and Espen Hauge, Statoil.
  6. MPC for dual gradient drilling well control using a subsea mud pump and a subsea choke
    Process modelling (based on existing models), simulation and control using Statoil's MPC tool SEPTIC. Test in a deep-water case. Co-supervisors: John-Morten Godhavn and Espen Hauge, Statoil.
  7. Modeling and non-linear control of gel breaking in drilling operations
    Gelling of drilling fluid is a severe non-linear phenomenon in drilling, which presents challenges for accurate pressure control. Co-supervisor: John-Morten Godhavn, Statoil.
  8. Object mapping with unmanned quadcopter
    A simple quadcopter has been interfaced with an indoor camera-based positioning system. Building on this, the project task is to use the onboard camera for the purpose of mapping of objects, using appropriate guidance strategies. Knowledge of computer vision is an advantage.
  9. Case study on efficient simulation for nonlinear MPC
    Statoil has developed a model for a new subsea process. The task of this project is to use tools such as automatic differentiation for efficient and robust simulation of this model, for use in a nonlinear model predictive control solution. Co-supervisor: Gisle Otte Eikrem, Statoil.
  10. Control/Monitoring/Tuning of offshore processes
    Project given by ABB, details to be specified.