Master thesis topics 2018

The text below is a brief description of the master topics supervised by professor Lars Imsland. Contact for further information.

Implementation of Scenario MPC in Statoil in-house MPC software

See this document.

Co-supervisor: Dinesh Krishnamoorthy

Robust linear MPC

This project will investigate select different methods for robust linear MPC. Some keywords are (striped, parametrized) tube MPC and robustly reachable sets. These should be tested and compared on relatively simple examples. This project will fit best for «theoretically inclined» students with fondness for optimization and Matlab programming.

Control for optimal wind farm operation

Investigate control challenges and opportunities in operation of whole wind farms. Perform a literature survey on wake modeling (for control) and select a simple model for implementation, to showcase control challenges and opportunities. If time permits, implement model predictive control for wind farm control.