====== Project thesis topics 2014 ====== The text below is a brief description of the project topics supervised by professor Lars Imsland. Contact for further information. Most topics can be continued in a master thesis project if the candidate and supervisor(s) so wishes. - **Automated Evaluation and Control of Drilling Fluid Hydraulics during Conventional Drilling Operations** \\ Project topic given in cooperation with the newly started technology company ([[cybernetic drilling technologies|http://www.cdt.no/]] in Bergen. Co-supervisor: Gerhard Nygaard, CDT. - **Managed pressure cementing** \\ Well cementing is a procedure in well drilling, where cement is pumped into the annular space between the wellbore and casing, for protection and sealing of the casing. This project should do a literature study on cementing and managed pressure drilling (MPD, closed-loop control of drilling), describe challenges, and discuss how MPD techniques can be used to get better cement jobs. The work should be based on modeling, simulation and control. Co-supervisors: John-Morten Godhavn and Espen Hauge, Statoil. - **Asset optimization of batteries** (tentative title, to be updated) \\ Project topic given in cooperation with Ole Jakob Sørdalen at Eltek AS. - **System biology** \\ System biology may be described as the use of dynamical system theory (cybernetics) applied to molecular biology (the basic bricks of life). 1-2 projects will be given in cooperation with Assistant Professor Nadav Bar in the Systems Biology group at the Department of Chemical Engineering. See attached document for an idea of possible tasks: {{:ansatte:imsland_lars:prosjekter-nadi-2014.pdf|}} - **Path planning for UAVs for ice berg surveillance** UAVs has been proposed used for surveillance (mapping) of icebergs in connection with offshore operations in the arctic. This task should work on developing and testing such algorithms. Testing with real UAVs is planned for. 1-2 projects assignments are possible. Co-supervisor: Anders Albert, PhD-candidate \\ - **Using a quadrotor for object mapping and surveillance** \\ A simple quadrotor has been interfaced with an indoor camera-based positioning system, and a path tracking system has been implemented. Building on this, the project task is to use the onboard camera for the purpose of mapping of objects, using appropriate guidance strategies. Some knowledge of computer vision is an advantage.