====== Master thesis topics 2018 ====== Below are brief descriptions of master project topics supervised by professor Lars Imsland. Contact [[lars.imsland@itk.ntnu.no|lars.imsland@itk.ntnu.no]] for further information. ==== Cautious MPC-based control with Machine Learning ==== See [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/7aliyqbsmsf4f4i/MScPropGP_Eric.pdf?dl=0|this]] document. Co-supervisor: Eric Bradford. ==== Input Estimation ==== See [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/ulia439rdpwyiop/InputEstimation.pdf?dl=0|this]] document. Co-supervisor: Leif Andersson. ==== Implementation of Scenario MPC in Statoil in-house MPC software ==== See [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjudh7eu2wojjci/Implementation%20of%20Scenario%20MPC%20in%20SEPTIC.pdf?dl=0|this]] document. Co-supervisor: Dinesh Krishnamoorthy ==== Control for optimal wind farm operation ==== Investigate control challenges and opportunities in operation of whole wind farms. Perform a literature survey on wake modeling (for control) and select a simple model structure for implementation, to illustrate control challenges and opportunities. Implement a model predictive control structure for wind farm control.